01. Wedding Chains – A Guest book + Wedding Decoration in one!
A Wedding Chain is a really festive and innovative way to make a guest book. All that is needed is colorful paper strips, paper fasteners and pens the guests can write with. It’s super easy and a lovely way to engage your guests.
02. Guest Book Box – Not to be opened before the 1st. Wedding Anniversary!
I have a personal experience with this approach as this guest book was in fact organised by one of my best friends for our own wedding. My friend had decorated a gorgeous heart shaped box and cut or bought a stack of red, heart shaped pieces of cardboard – at least one “heart” per guest. During dinner she handed out the red hearts and pens for each table and asked everyone to write their personal “well wishes”/messages for us on the hearts. The hearts were then collected placed in the box, closed with a ribbon and not to be opened before our 1.wedding anniversary!
A year later, on our 1st. wedding anniversary, it was absolutely amazing to read all the sweet messages and it was an amazing way to re-live our wedding day! “The heart shaped box” was a gorgeous present which we will always cherish and wonderful guest book!
03. Hang your guestbook on the wall!
This idea is brilliant and a personal favourite of mine. I love the idea of using a “large” picture or painting as a guest book. The picture can display anything at all – i.e. the happy couple, a place that is special to them, a photograph from the “Engagement Photo Shoot” or something else. It can also be a painting which has been commissioned for the purpose or painted by the couple themselves. Some couples simply buy a large painting which they would like for their home and use it as guest book. All the couple need to do is to display the image/painting of their choice at the wedding venue and provide (suitable) pens so the guests can write their well wishes on the “canvas”. I love the idea of a guestbook which can hang on the wall and be seen everyday.
Source: diywedding.org